
Hi, I’m Ink, and this is my commissions website!

I have been making art for years now, and want to be able to make art for other people as well as myself. On this website, I have examples of my work, and a page with options for a few different types of artwork commissions.

Art has been a huge part of my life since I was a child, and I hope to be able to share my love of it with others.

Two of the projects that I have been working on are called Rebels and Traitors (RaT), and Event : Horizon (E:H). They are works in progress that I have spent the better part of five years working on. Rebels and Traitors is a fantasy adventure story with magic and conspiracy, about an eclectic group of wanderers. Event : Horizon is a Cyberpunk story about super heroes and supervillains, all of the main cast make up a team of supervillains. I will be sharing more about these worlds and their characters as I work on this website.